Saturday, September 10, 2011

Things change, Jo.

Dear Readers,

Thank you to those who have periodically checked in over the past three months, especially those in Russia (Привет!).  I apologize for the absence of reading material.  I was out living the dream and had a significant lack of time to document it.  I'm also way behind on reading arts industry articles.  I will do my best to summarize the last three months to bring you all up to date before we look to the future.

Shortly after my last post in June, I was offered an opportunity of a life time for at an amazing summer opera company in New York State.  They needed a replacement for their Executive Assistant and I happened to be available.  The position was only seasonal.  I had about a week to put my life into a storage unit and get myself to my new temporary location.  After spending an incredible summer working for a phenomenal woman, learning so much more about the workings of an opera company, and meeting so many incredible people, I was offered a full time position as the Assistant to the Artistic & General Director -- same position, better title.  I cannot be more thrilled.  I am actually getting paid to do what I went to school for and what I love!  How many people can say that, especially in this economy?

However, with getting a new job comes rearranging one's life.  At this point, I have an apartment in my new town, though I cannot move in until October.  I'm still looking for a new car, and I need to figure out when I'm heading to Cincinnati to retrieve all my belongings.  Even though there are only two items on my overall to do list, this experience is overwhelming.  There are so many other aspects to these two tasks that I didn't realize, like car insurance, changing my residency, registering the car.  I have to admit, I am not the best at transitions -- there are too many unknowns.  Not having a plan makes me uncomfortable.  I'm feeling a lot better now that I have an apartment to move in to.  Also, it's great having a job. 

No one told me how being employed full time was going to feel different than gigging.  I feel a lot more secure about life.  It's really kind of neat that I'll be working with this one company until I want to leave or the company no longer wants/needs me.  I like job security.  Plus, this steady paycheck thing is pretty boss.  Having my weekends free is something totally foreign to me.  For the first time in my entire life, I can have control of what I do in the evenings and on the weekends!  I honestly have no idea what to do with myself.  I could get a hobby or finish my thesis or start writing my memoir.  The options are limitless!

At any rate, let's discuss the future.  Once I'm finally moved into my new apartment and have secured reliable internet access, I will starting blogging again with much fervor.  I have missed reading articles on Arts Journal.  Working a summer festival season certainly leaves one with a deficit of time, and living in a converted motel in rural New York State leaves one without reliable internet.  Over the next couple weeks, I'll try to write a post or two about something arts related.  Please stay tuned, and thanks for sticking with me.
