Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour!

In one hour from now the best hour of the year will begin:  Earth Hour! What is Earth Hour, you ask.  Well let me educate you.  At 8:30pm the lights of the world will go dark for one hour.  This act of collective solidarity helps us all to remember we are united as global citizens.  We have one earth, and for one hour, we honor her.

I have celebrate three Earth Hours in my day.  The first, harkens back to my senior year of college.  The lights when out and somehow I ended up in the bathtub with my two roommates.  They say college is all about experimenting, right?  To calm the heart rates of my family members who happen to read my blog, I must clarify. Anne, Dani and I were fully clothed.  We decided we wanted to try this cool thing Anne had read about.  First you needed to be in a completely dark room.  The darkest place in our apartment at the time was the bathroom because it had no windows.  Second you needed a camera with a flash.  The idea was each person would make a funny face and the flash would go off and you'd be able to see the negative of the funny face.  So the three of us climbed into the bathtub.  We were quite a sight, twisted this way and that, making faces and such.  What a good time*. 

This year I plan to sit in my bathtub, fully clothed and read my favorite book of all time, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by candlelight. 

Why don't you join the rest of the world in this collective tribute to Lady Earth.  Turn off your lights and have a little fun.


*For the inquiring minds, we were completely sober.

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