Monday, November 8, 2010

Advocacy For Rationality

So I’m still in this Arts and Education class.  One of the readings I’m supposed to do by tomorrow is about creating arts partnerships with schools and/or the community.  I’m in the middle of a section discussing some of the common pitfalls of creating a partnership.  Apparently some people don’t do their research before they start a project.  Really?  Aren’t you supposed to be educators?  Don’t you teach students to research before you start a project?  Although, come to think of it, my parents taught me that.  If I ever wanted to know what a word meant I had to look it up in the dictionary.  Until I went to college I found their response to be infuriating and lazy.  However, I realized how incredibly brilliant my parents were.  They empowered me to seek out an answer by myself when I had a question.  (10 points for using a buzzword!)

This next example isn’t really about empowerment as much as it is about covering your butt.  My dad is a lawyer, so arguing with him just isn’t the best of ideas unless you come fully prepared.  You have to know your case inside and out.  Make sure there are no holes.  Let me tell you, even if he’s wrong he can make it sound like he’s right because he argues for a living.  So frustrating.  I digress.  I don’t understand how and why people don’t think things through.  I suppose if everyone was a rational human being we’d have less crime, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower divorce rates, and there would be nothing on television.  If rationality was as widespread as ignorance we’d have to say good bye to things like Jersey Shore, 98% of all political campaign ads, and jeggings.  Personally, I advocate rationality.  Unfortunately I am in the minority.

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