Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blogs, baking, and other badass things

After waking up from the best Saturday night ever, I've been cleaning my apartment and catching up on some of my friends' blogs.  I was pretty excited to see I got a mention on September 20, in my friend Anne's blog, Rococo Insinuations.  Needless to say I haven't been very good about checking that blog...sorry Annes...  Anyway, Anne has a couple blogs.  Rococo Insinuations has morphed in a book reviews, which is awesome!  Her other blog Anne Can Cook is all about her adventures in cooking and baking.  She has some pretty stellar recipes, some of which have become staples in my own kitchen escapades.

Speaking of baking (and bad segues), I'm baking pumpkin pie cinnamon rolls today.  I've never made cinnamon rolls from scratch, so I'm a little nervous.  However, I have faith they will be delicious because they will have pumpkin and cinnamon in them.  I'm finding that pumpkin and cinnamon are the baking equivalents to cheese.  If you put one or both of these delicious items in a bad baking project they are instantly ten times better!  I digress.  I found this recipe at  This lady is amazing!  Gourmet meal recipes on the cheap!  The cinnamon rolls are in the oven right now.  I'm pretty excited to see how they turn out.  I wish I had milk so I could make a cinnamon glaze or something like it.  I realize I could just pop out to the grocery store or CVS right quick, but that would require me to change out of my pajamas.  (Don't judge.  It's Sunday.)

As for the rest of my weekend, it has been equally as delightful.  Friday night I partook in the classic "dinner and a show" outing.  Several friends and I went for artisan pizza (don't I just sound snobby, huh?) and then went to the opera (double snob alert!).  Afterward, we went to a local dive bar for beer. (Hopefully, I've redeemed myself.)  Good times were had by all.  Saturday was spent in recovery from the past week.  It was a very stressful week thanks to a giant accounting final.  I made some potato soup, curled up in a quilt on my futon, and watched bad movies.  To top it off, I went to bed at 10:00pm.  All in all, a successful evening. 

Today and tomorrow will be spent working on school projects.  I must admit I'm not a huge fan of projects.  I keep reminding myself I'll eventually be paid to work on projects and they will no longer be school related.  Enough of this negativity!  It's time for coffee and cinnamon rolls.

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