Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And now for something not written by the Old Dead White Guys Society

TalkOperaWorld.com recently posted an article announcing that 33 American opera companies of varying sizes will produce operas written by American composers over the next two seasons (2010-2011 and 2011-2012).  Nine of those productions will be world premieres.   Some of the companies included are Opera Southwest in Albuquerque, NM, Opera Memphis, Cincinnati Opera, New York City Opera, Portland Opera, Chicago Opera Theatre, Opera Roanoke, Sarasota Opera, Boston Lyric Opera, Florida Grand Opera, and The Santa Fe Opera.  The best part about this is the list will only continue to grow as repertoire announcements for the 2011 – 2012 season come out in the next few months.

Marc A. Scorca, President and CEO of OPERA America, the national service organization for opera, was quoted to say, “Over the last two decades, an American opera repertoire has become firmly established and American composers continue to have a tremendous impact on our art form.  We are delighted to see their work being performed on stages of all sizes throughout the United States.” 

Not only does OPERA America keep tabs on the repertoire being performed throughout the United States, it encourages the creation and production of new operatic works with The Opera Fund.  The Opera Fund awards grants to opera companies to assist with the expenses that are associated with developing new works.  The Opera Fund has also provided companies with grants to help revive productions.  Since it began, The Opera Fund has awarded nearly $11 million dollars to American opera companies.

How exciting to be a part of a musical genre that celebrates new works, even encourages them!  By supporting the creation of contemporary operas, we are keeping the art form relevant.  Way to go OPERA America and American opera companies.  Keep up the good work!

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