Friday, November 5, 2010

My Life Would Suck Without You

I have come to realize there are certain people you encounter in your life that almost instantly after you meet them, you know they are going to be in your life forever.  For some relationships it takes awhile for you to come to this realization.  Either way knowing you have these lifelong friends is pretty awesome.  What’s even better is that these people are more than just your friends.  They become part of your family, and like family they’re with you for better or for worse.

Each friendship is totally different.  There are the people you get up to crazy shenanigans and laugh about them later.  There are the people who will tell you look like hell when you’re stuck on the couch in your sweats, looking like you woke from a one night stand with death because you have the flu, but they make you chicken noodle soup and suffer through four viewings each of “The Sound of Music” and “Center Stage.”  There are the people from middle and high school that you see maybe once a year, but every time it’s like going home.  And of course there are those few very special friends who will put up with your ramblings about the “love of your life,” a.k.a. the guy who works at your morning coffee shop to whom you’ve never said more than “venti soy vanilla latte, please” and “keep the change.”  Don’t forget about the friends where you don’t even have to say what’s on your mind and they know instantly what you’re thinking.  My favorite type of friend is the kind where you pick up right in the same place as you left, just like a bookmark.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been apart or the last time you spoke, but when you meet up it’s like you weren’t even away.

It took me moving twelve hours away from home to realize how strong some of the bonds I’ve forged over the years are.  And I have to say I am continually surprised at how close I am with some of the people I go to school with.  I’ve known most of these people for little over a year, but feel as if I've known them forever.  Mind boggling, yet comforting.  I cannot adequately express in words how grateful I am for friends I have.  The one sentiment I can say is without them my life would be hugely unsatisfying.

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